Today I am grasping for time by taking Annabelle to an indoor play park. It is furnished with two trampolines, a hamster-like tunnel system, slides, ball pits, and various playhouses and toys. This literally buys me two hours of fun and a good night sleep for our rambunctious bundle while allowing me time to catch up on emails with blaring kids music as my accompanist.
The weather is becoming chilly…a shivering 68 degrees for us thinned blooded Oki’s. I love it! With little or no humidity, we smell fresh air instead of stale, we seek the sun for welcomed warmth rather than hide to not get burnt, and soup can be on the menu again without turning down the air conditioner to make it seem cold. It’s always amazing to me how much the weather affects my demeanor. Yet I can’t deny the joy that swells with each breath of fresh, cool air in my lungs.
These days have me bustling with taking Annabelle to swim lessons, tap/ballet, and gymnastics. She has her first tap recital December 6th! I can’t believe it! She can swim, jump off a diving board, float, and open her eyes under weather. She officially is better in the water than I am. Crazy! (She just ran up to me telling me she peed all by herself, “you didn’t help me, I did it all by myself!” Phew, big deal!) Her imagination is growing faster than her shoe size, which is saying something! We also are involved with a small group and women’s prayer group each weak, let alone story time, bringing meals to friends, and any other thing that pops up. In our down times, forts are built with chairs and blankets and our one throw rug is blanketed with legos and blocks. She is a joy.
Barrett is busy with the chapel as this is our busy season. We are organizing to feed 200 single Marines and Sailors for Thanksgiving, trying to set up weekly Friday night coffee time for said Marine’s and Sailors, checking in with the small groups that are meeting, preaching, finding service opportunities for the chapel, and doing the endless admin work that piles up. He is finding that he really enjoys being a pastor. Shepherding and encouraging the congregation is a joy for him…and the Lord has gifted him for this task. I may be biased, but I have heard it from others (breaking news…Annabelle just came up to me AGAIN…this time, she POOPED in the potty all by herself! Now she is enjoying her ice cream next to me. This is only the second time she has done this. Big deal! I now am beginning to believe she won’t be having me wipe her bum in college!) as well.
Well, I may come to this place every day now. Seems it has super powers over my child in terms of bathroom prowess. Oh the life of mom-hood!
We talked to our adoption agency today and spent a long time getting back on the same page…we think! They found a social worker from mainland that can update our home study in a cost effective and quick manner. In the meantime, they are still working on a referral of one or two children for us. Please pray for twins to come available! That is our desire for many reasons.
Our hearts seem to be on a roller coaster of emotions with all that happens during a day, I believe most of you can empathize with this in your own lives. We continue to preach the truth to ourselves for grounding: Our Lord is sovereign. He knows all things and has a purpose for everything that happens…or doesn’t happen. Our life is for sanctification, not simply reaching our own goals. We have been forgiven for every hell-deserving sin, how can we not forgive each other for simple things? Living a legacy leaving life for Annabelle and all future children is a big deal.
Now off to jumping on a trampoline with my favorite little girl…