I hear the door open and Annabelle shuffles down the hall to where I am drinking my coffee and reading Reader’s Digest…yes, I read Reader’s Digest. She unloads her blankets and two stuffed animals on my lap as I kiss her forehead and say “Good Morning”. She echoes my greeting and asks, “What tomorrow is?” (From me asking her the night before, “Do you know what tomorrow is?”). Thus the day begins.
Honestly, these mornings are so refreshing to me as they are teaching me directly from Lamentations 3 where Jeremiah tells us that God’s mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness is great. I don’t know if you are like me, but by the end of a day full of whines, complaints, wiping a small behind, instruction, swim, gymnastics, and play I’m tired. When dinnertime chimes, my patience is thin for Barrett and Annabelle. Annabelle, tired from days events as well as being 3, usually loses what self-control she has enabling my bubbling frustration. Poor choices are made from both hearts. We manage to make it through brushing her teeth and getting into PJ’s somehow and then I read Annabelle a book that she slowly chooses. We sing some songs, pray and thank the Lord for how He has blessed us this day and ask for forgiveness where we have chosen ourselves over others and had complaining hearts, rather than grateful ones. Then, off to sleep for her and a vegetative state for me sets in as I’m wondering how we can make it through another day.
Then the door opens and she comes over to where I am drinking my coffee. We great each other with easy smiles once again and I am reminded how the Lord does this with me as well. He loves me when I chose well, He loves me when I choose poorly. He loves me when I am frustrated with the events He gave me that day and He loves me when I am happy about the day’s events. He never tires of me, no matter if I ask the same question over and over. His arms are always open, even if I have been playing in the mud. His forgiveness comes quickly and no grudge is ever given. How can I not give Annabelle the same?
Mercies are new every morning. The Lord’s faithfulness will be great today.