After yesterday’s email, I really feel like I should explain a bit more about my thoughts on finding out where we will be next in our Navy career.
Duty Stations. How do we get them? We start by praying for wisdom early. We pray that the Lord would put us where He wants us and to begin to prepare our hearts for wherever that may be. We pray for Barrett’s unknown Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and for a good church where we can minister and be ministered too. A year before we are scheduled to change a duty station, Barrett and I look at all of the options that are available to us. He has a list of duty stations and the corresponding rotation dates. We narrow our choices first by what is available for our rotation date. Barrett then does a great job in talking to fellow chaplains on where he should go for career and family. Since he is “green side operational” (deployable Marine Unit) now, the next unit he should seek is “blue side operation” (deployable Navy Unit). So we then look for a duty station where he can serve on a Naval Ship. We also don’t mind being overseas while we and our parents are young. =0) We enjoy new cultures and exposing Annabelle to the world and different languages.
With that in mind, Barrett contacts the detailer and tells him our preference, a Navy overseas operational unit. If not that, then a chapel overseas where military people will most likely attend due to lack of options. =0) After that, we said US Navy operational. The detailer came back and said that none of these options were open except for a chapel in Okinawa. No operational Navy Units overseas or in the states. This means that there are already Chaplains serving in these locations.
So, then comes family discussion and prayer time. My first reaction was what you read in my email yesterday, all the negatives…because I told the Lord and Barrett that my three year itch was coming on! I like moving and experiencing new places and sites. The thought of staying in the same place was disappointing. BUT…please know that staying in Okinawa is far from the end of the world for me. I really do enjoy being in Okinawa. It’s safe, the parks are great, we have made amazing friends, and we are used to the driving. Barrett will be able to preach every week and he won’t be deployed. The leadership he would be under is fantastic and we know them. The extension would also be for only two years. Plus, they will pay for all of us to fly home one time.
So if Okinawa is still our home, we are happy about it. We are excited to see what the Lord has for us here. We look forward to being with our neighbors longer and I look forward to hanging out with the Chaplain spouses more. They have been a support and listening ear for me countless times. Not to mention my church and unit friends. Plus, we hope to see all of you from our free flight home!