Since its rainy season Oot has had more time to sit and talk with me between her busy selling moments. On Friday I had time to sit for awhile and since the weather was bad, she had time for me too! She would tell me a phrase often “Mai glouah die, glouah mai die” which means, “Im not scared to die, Im scared of not dying, torture.” Well, Friday, Ben asked me in the middle of class if I was scared of dying. “No.” Why not? “Because I know where Im going.” Are you sure? “Yeah, Im sure Ben. Are you sure?” Pause. Not really. Do you guys know where you’re going? He asked his 3 classmates. Tee said yes, the others kind of shrugged. The cool thing is, they know the answer as we have gone over it a lot of times last year in homeroom. I don’t have them for homeroom this year, but they still ask me questions. I love it! Then, thinking of Oot, I did tell them I didn’t want a long death. Death doesn’t scare me but pain does! =0)
Anyway, back to Oot. I wanted to tell Oot that story because of the phrase she always uses with me. When I got to the not afraid of dying part she asked me why. I told her about God and how their was sin. She pulled out her dictionary and for the next half hour to 45 minutes we went over God, Jesus, angels, demons, and worship. We went over the difference between Buddhism and Christianity where God says to Worship Him first and out of that love you want to do good things and that Buddhism says you need to do good things to get to heaven. We went over how Jesus was God and how God has 3 parts. That was a little difficult. She said she had never heard of the Holy Spirit. We went over Satan’s first sin, to want to be like God and how he took 1/3 of the demons with him. Why did I get into that? Because Thai people are so into ghosts and spirits. I explained to her that I believe a lot of those are demons because people will follow them if they see them. That some spirits look good because Satan wants to trick people. She totally understood that and agreed. Then I told her, “Oot, you know that I love you, but God loves you more! You know your parents love you, but God loves you more!” God loves me? “YES! If you were the only one on earth, He would have died for you!” I like talking with you Colleen, its fun! I’ve learned a lot of words today, come back tomorrow and we’ll test them again. “Absolutely!”
I came back to school on such a high! I’ve waited 3 years to talk to Oot about Jesus! She knows I believe in God, but to tell her Jesus’ purpose was awesome as He who calls on the name of Jesus is saved!
Saturday I had the worst fever I’ve had in Thailand and was awake for about a total of 5 hours. I managed to drag myself to Oot’s and sat down. She told the others sitting there about our conversation and we tested each other on the new vocab. It was cool! I was too weak to stay long and she was too busy to chat but the fact that she is still thinking about it is awesome! Please pray for her that the God will continue to open her eyes and heart!