“What is Easter?” Funny, isn’t it? Funny how we take our holidays for granted and don’t even think about them and yet there are still people who have never heard what its about. I got to tell Aya about Maundy Thursday, the quick and illegal trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. I told her how…
Life and Doctrine
“The American dream has seemed to change lately. It used to be that as a kid you dreamed of marriage, a white picket fence, yard, dog, and owning your house, but lately I have been reading about how marriage has morphed to anything goes and adultery is OK. This sense of no commitment bleeds into…
Lives Shaken
Meeting the ladies of a book club for coffee, going to the grocery store to pick up food for dinner, renting a TV series, and taking a bike ride. Normal day. Then a phone ring and door knock awaken me to the knowledge of a tsunami warning for my area. The biggest earthquake in Japan…
Sweet Reunion
I entered the Okinawan Airport with 3 passports (1 expired with the needed current re-entry stamp), my marriage license, orders, and a doctors note. I used every one of them (sans the orders) to get on the plane to head for Thailand. Our late takeoff demanded a sprint in the Taipei airport to catch the…
Thailand Comrel
A Comrel is a community relations project where the marines and sailors volunteer to do community service projects in the country where they are docked. It can be anything from giving medicine, dental work, to painting fences. This one was done at The Father Ray Foundation in Thailand. It is a place for orphans, disabled,…