“Happy Bird-day Jesus…” the grade 9’s and 10’s sang LOUDLY during our school Christmas program. I stared out of the sound booth window (I was the light techi this year) mouthing the words and dancing a bit to encourage them to smile. Some smiled and others laughed, it was great! I can’t tell you how…
Power of Time
“Announcements, Announcements, Announcements! What a horrible death to die What a horrible death to die What a horrible death to be talked to death What a horrible death to die. We sold our sows. We sold our sows. We have no need For your boar now. Announcements, Announcements, Announcements!”
Thanksgiving Pizza
This week was difficult for me to think of thankful things (except for Barrett, I breath thankfulness for him…enter cheesy girl sigh here with dreamy look____________). Not because I don’t have any, but because of circumstances blinding my inward view…once again! Come on, bad things 2 weeks in a row? Shouldn’t we have a more…
Keepin it Cool…Or Not
“I CAN’T HEAR YOU! IM TRYING, BUT I CAN’T HEAR YOU” I whined to Shinto in my grade 9 class as the hum of the overworked AC in my room blocked out his mouse-like voice as he tried to answer my question on thermal energy. Friday found my nerve status frayed and at an all…
Uniform Juggling
I never was good at juggling. I continue to try thinking I’ll get it…catch one, throw the other, catch the next one, easy toss, not too hard…but inevitably I end up dropping, throwing, or losing one of the objects I was tossing. This week proved no different with the various events that were vying for…