I marvel at how many changes Ronnie and Lydia have had to face since our faces invaded theirs almost two years ago. They went from a room filled with babies screaming on an assembly line of diaper changes and feedings, to a single family home with only one other child…a brand new sister with whom…
What I Always Wanted to Be
I wanted to be a lot of things when I was a kid: nun, police woman, vet, chemist, biologist, work for national geographic…but never a mom. I wanted to race the boys, not kiss them. I wanted to earn money by a paper route or being a dishwasher at pizza hut, not babysitting. I’d rather…
Mind Blown
It started at the dinner table. I hadn’t been prepared to discuss it. Yet there it was, laid bare in front of me while Barrett was away. I had just finished reading about God promising Abram and Sarai to have a baby when they were old. Annabelle’s math that day had been writing 1-100 on…
These Are the Days of My Life
I stood at the gate that secured our community and waited for the guard to open it for me. It’s 5am. We both waved as the gate groans open and I escape into the dark morning for another relaxing run. I pass manholes with no covers, a garbage bag that had been tossed onto the…
The Call
It’s 2:00 pm ish on Monday. I get a call from Barrett asking if I can talk because he has some important news. “They want me to be on a boat tomorrow to go to Haiti in order to give aide after Hurricane Matthew for three weeks.” Um, what? Then I asked which boat he…