Currently I am sitting in our living/dining room on a green government loaner couch. Strangely enough, I started another post just like this 14 years ago in Okinawa! Times change, yet they stay the same. The dehumidifier and AC units are on full blast trying to overcome the blanketing heat that sweats off shower my…
Typhoon Season
This is typhoon season. And when a typhoon hits, there are moments when the whistling wind and ravenous rain make it feel like the house will cower to its power. Then suddenly, calm comes, making it easy to forget the chaos that had just happened. This move has had its moments of chaos as well…
Already But Not Yet
We are living in the already, but not yet tension of moving. Our house is now occupied by another, our furniture is in California awaiting a boat and a plane, our jobs are over, but we are not yet in Japan. I find myself in waves of emotions and instability. The church and work/school family…
True Unalienable Rights
My sister-in-law and niece had a flight out of Charlottesville on Tuesday so ten of us decided to leave Massanutten and head to Monticello to learn about the man Jefferson. We were led around Jefferson’s little France chalet and heard of his love for science, architecture, horticulture, and history. We saw his museum like collection…
My Crown
I should have gotten a night guard sooner. Then I wouldn’t have cracked an otherwise perfectly good tooth. That’s how I found myself in a plastic chair with my earphones in and safety glasses on getting ready for multiple Novocain shots. My previous experiences of teeth being pulled for braces and gum graphs given for…